Great for all your plants, flowers, shrubs, vegetables, herbs & fruits whether they be indoor / outdoor or in containers / raised garden beds ! Easily Feed Premium Biological Nutrients While You Water! 1 Tube = 16 TeaDrops® packets that can make up to 32 gallons of liquid organic plant & flower food fertilizer (100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED) BUY THE BEST QUALITY & EASIEST TO USE liquid organic plant & flower food fertilizer you’ll ever need! Stop using chemical fertilizers that are unhealthy for you and bad for the environment who has time to make or clean up the stinky mess of overly complex compost tea products that aren't consistent? NO MEASURING SPOONS! NO SMELL! NO DIRTY FINGERS! WORKS GREAT ON EVERYTHING! (Even hard to maintain plants like Orchids - Try feeding 6-7 sprays to your Phalaenopsis weekly to take care of its watering AND its nutrient needs) SO EASY - TAKES SECONDS! Just drop 1 TeaDrops® packet into 1-2 gallons of water (or watering can) and steep for a few hours, liquid turns color, then FEED WHILE YOU WATER all your flowers and plants in the garden or INDOORS all season long (try it on your HOUSEPLANTS )! EXPERIENCE EXCELLENT NATURAL GROWTH! With our all-purpose & balanced proprietary biological plant food formula teeming with BENEFICIAL MACRO & MICRO NUTRIENTS, MINERALS, FUNGI, BACTERIA, NATURAL PLANT GROWTH HORMONES, HUMIC & FULVIC ACIDS in a form fully and IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE to your plant roots! 100% ORGANIC & SUSTAINABLY MADE IN THE USA ** ECO FRIENDLY ** CHILD FRIENDLY ** PET FRIENDLY ** LOW N-P-K because our products simulate NATURE'S OWN PERFECT GROWING FORMULA including NATURAL PLANT GROWTH HORMONES and BENEFICIAL PLANT HEALTH SOIL MICROBES (TeaDrops® will not burn your plants) OUR TEADROPS® NATURAL PLANT & FLOWER FOOD STEEPING PACKETS WORK ON EVERYTHING (for optimal comprehensive results, we suggest watering with our TeaDrops liquid plant food packets and feeding with every few weeks as a regular fertilizing routine): Soak the roots of your new plants before you plant them in the soil Soak your Fall and Spring flower bulbs in liquid steeped with TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packets before planting out in the garden Spray as a foliar nutrient spray on your plants & flowers Pour as a root drench or spray around the base of your plants near the main stem As a seed germination enhancer and seedling growth nutrient feed (mist your seed / seedling trays every week) DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Fill a watering receptacle (a watering can, bucket, recycled gallon milk, etc.) with a gallon of lukewarm water If your water is from a city water source, make sure to let the water sit for 12 hours preferably in a direct-sun exposure in order to diminish the chlorine which kills bacteria (while chlorine kills bad bacteria in our drinking water, it kills ALL bacteria including the beneficial plant root microorganisms that we worked so hard to include in our TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packets) OR use rain / mineral / filtered water Just drop one of our TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packets in the water and let it steep for minimally 4 hours, but ideally 24 hours Stir the water from time to time with a spoon or stick to help dissipate some of the nutritional and microbial contents of the TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packets When ready, your water will have turned into a darker color teeming with tons of trace minerals, nutrients, and an active population of microbes including fungi and bacteria Water the liquid organic plant & flower food fertilizer on all your flowers, plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc. (or put it in our and give everything a good foliar feeding) When the liquid plant & flower food fertilizer that you made is all used up - throw the used TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packet in your compost pile, or open it up and sprinkle the contents in the planting hole when planting a new tree, flower or plant. NOTE: Please store your TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packets in a safe, dry place at cool room temperature Our TeaDrops® Natural Plant & Flower Food Steeping Packets are intended for garden use to feed plants / flowers only and should never be consumed or used in any other way. Like all our organic gardening products, TeaDrops® are Eco / Pet / Child Friendly (even the filter paper is made from plant-based materials and our packaging tubes are made from recycled paper-board with labels printed in soy inks to support our mission of trying to make everything proudly sustainable and biodegradable)! :)