Increase Crop Yields & Nutrient Uptake with Microbial Fertilizer OMRI Listed ✅ Bio-Sure Grow has the proper BALANCE of bacteria and fungi for soil health. Bio-Sure Grow is a humic/fulvic acid blend containing live, viable natural reoccurring MICROBES and ENZYMES . Through our proprietary process we are able to extract live natural reoccurring microbes from the earth and create soil and plant beneficial biocatalysts that produce and deliver available nutrients to the plant in a micro form that can be absorbed through the plant cell wall in the foliage as well as roots. It is simple to use and produces superior results on all types of plants. The Key Features of Bio-Sure Grow Include: PROPER BALANCE OF BACTERIA & FUNGI : Bio-Sure Grow prioritizes the essential balance of bacteria and fungi crucial for soil health. By promoting microbial diversity, we create an environment where nutrients are efficiently cycled and made available to plants. HUMIC/FULVIC ACID BLEND : Enriched with a humic/fulvic acid blend, Bio-Sure Grow provides a nutrient-rich matrix that supports the symbiotic relationship between soil microbes and plant roots, fostering balanced growth and development. LIVE, VIABLE MICROBES & ENZYMES : Our proprietary process carefully extracts live, natural reoccurring microbes from the earth, harnessing the beneficial biocatalysts they produce. These biocatalysts deliver nutrients to plants in a readily absorbable form, ensuring a balanced nutrient uptake through both foliage and roots. NITROGEN FIXATION : Bio-Sure Grow encourages nitrogen fixation, a vital process that utilizes enzymes that are present in Sure Grow to convert atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available forms. This balanced nitrogen supply promotes healthy growth and reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers. REDUCE INPUT COSTS : By optimizing nutrient availability and enhancing soil health, Bio-Sure Grow helps farmers achieve a balanced approach to inputs, leading to reduced costs and improved profitability. INCREASE PLANT AND SOIL HEALTH : Bio-Sure Grow promotes balanced plant and soil health by restoring microbial balance, improving soil structure, and fostering nutrient cycling. Balanced ecosystems result in stronger, more resilient crops capable of withstanding environmental stresses. ENHANCE DROUGHT TOLERANCE : Our solution encourages the development of balanced root systems with improved water retention capabilities, ensuring plants maintain balance even in drought conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION : Through our specific balanced microbial solutions, Bio-Sure Grow facilitates soil remediation, halting and reversing environmental damage to create a harmonious and balanced environment for crops to thrive. Application: Row Crops : Apply 1 ga1/acre 15-30 days after emergence, if possible. Can be applied on into the reproductive stages of crop. Pasture/Grass/Hay : Apply at green up. Apply every 1 or 2 cuttings for hay. To learn more, order in bulk or ask questions about Bio-Sure Grow, please email!